Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Blog

We're merging blogs to create our new family one. (: Here is where our new posts will be:

I can't get the link to work, so you may have to copy and paste the above address.

Friday, December 30, 2011

First Christmas!

We had a blast celebrating your first Christmas, Clive! Along with some toys and clothes, Santa must have brought you some crawling inspiration because you decided to get on your knees and start rocking! You are now sitting up and you love to jump in your bouncer. You babble a lot and you love being read to. Your sister even reads to you when you get fussy. You are such a happy baby and you smile all the time. You make our lives brighter every day, Clive. We love you. (:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

5 Months Old!

You are 5 months old today, Clive! You are eating cereal, starting to roll over, and jump in the UFO bouncer. You are the happiest baby and have nothing but smiles for everyone you meet. You have slept through the night twice now...we're looking forward to more of those nights. (: You take baths now in the big tub with your sister and you can sit up with support. You have started the raspberry sounds and have a laugh to put a smile on anyones face. You kick so hard in the crib we can hear you downstairs. You have made our lives more complete and we love you to pieces, Clive!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Little Crab

You took your first big boy trip to Annapolis, Clive and you couldn't have behaved any better (except for the sleeping at night thing, but that's okay). Both sets of your great-grandparents, Nana, and Patty and Jackie used to live in Maryland, so your mom has a lot of memories there. We made sure to get the crab blood flowing early in you. (: You took your first trip to the Baltimore Aquarium, but we'll take you again when you can remember those big fish.

Yesterday (8.2.11) you got your first set of shots. ): At 11 weeks, you weigh
14.4lbs, your length is 24 inches, and your head circumference is 16.25 inches. The doctor said you are a beautiful, healthy baby boy...we couldn't agree more. (: